This is one of those times when you become so emo
you think the world stops spinning.
Everything is not going right
and your mind wanders in all directions.
I just got scolded from my LO for not informing him of my MC on the day itself.
1 more week till SIP ends. The feeling is saddening suddenly. It's like, you go on a wonderful trip to Hokkaido, and then on the last day, you feel sad because it is the last day. This means no more Iris. No more Mr Tan. No more Court visits.
I wished I hadn't counted down to the end of SIP, it suddenly makes me feel so full of remourse and regrets. And there's so many things I wanna get but there just isn't any sprees.
When you are feeling like shit now
all you want to do is talk to someone
or hug someone
or just look at someone.
And then suddenly, you miss that special someone.
I wanted to do that but didn't feel like doing it.
Geddit? It's such a feeling that just kills you.
It's a late night.
Late nights are harmful.
I love late nights.