Tuesday, July 31, 2007

1) Single, Taken, or Flirting?
Single and flirting.

2) Are you happy with where you are?

3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
Don't think so.

4) Have you ever had your heart broken?

5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay?

6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
Hard to say.

7) Have you talked about marriage with another person?
Ya, with my bestie. She dying to get married.

8) Do you want children?
No. Irritating cannnn.

9) How many?
Did you even read Question 8?

10) Would you consider adoption?
Maybe. Maddox is cute.

13) Do you want someone you can't have?

14) Do you believe love at first sight exists?

15) Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
Don't think so. Quite cheesy.

16) Do you believe that you can change for someone?

17) If you could get married anywhere, money's not an objection, where would it be?
I will take the money,buy a house along Sunset Boulevard, then buy a pug, name it Skillet Jr. and live happily ever after.

18) Do you have feelings for someone right now?

19) Have you ever wished you could have someone but you couldn't?

20) Have you ever broken a heart?

21) Would you ever fight somebody over your boyfriend/girlfriend?
See circumstances.

22) What would you say about your ex?

Taken from farnamals because I' bored doing Civil Pro tutorial 10 on COST.


Steven Lim has got to be the most disturbing thing since The Exorcist.

Monday, July 30, 2007

85-ed with the bunch.

2 x middle-sized stingrays with extra belachan
Chai dao kueh
Hokkien Mee
10 barbequed chicken wings
10 fat fish otah
Bar chor mee
Oyster omelette
Alot of drinks, non-alcoholic please.

I think you have one of the coolest presents this year.
How you gonna fill it up?!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fidelia Micha Murrah

I'm still waiting for Sab's work to be in.
In the meantime, I shall do this:

Your 2006 Summer Anthem Is

Hips Don't Lie by Shakira

"I'm on tonight
You know my hips don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right
All the attraction, the tension
Don't you see baby, this is perfection"

Your Uncommon Name Is:

Fidelia Micha Murrah

Je'mapelle Fidelia Micha Murrah and my hips don't lie. Enchante.


This game is kinda cool. Get to know someone slightly better.
Shall do it now in honour of the person who tagged me.....

  • Sheena

  • Rules of the game:

    Each player of the game starts off with ten
    weird things or habits or known facts abt
    yourself. People who get tagged must write
    it in a blog of their own ten weird things or
    habits or little known facts as well as state
    this rule clearly. At the end you must choose
    6 people to be tagged and list their names.
    No tag backs.

    1. I am dying to go to Hong Kong or Sydney, because the Spice Girls are having a reunion and I want to go. I WANT TO GO. I grew up on Spice Girls. Did you watch the movie Spice World?

    2. I have a crush on Jake Gyllenhall. I think he's gorgeous and just simply sexy.

    3. I received my first ever warning letter yesterday and it was for APEL. I got scolded terribly by my mommy and laughed at horribly by Max. I think I can't get over the horror yet.

    4. I was a ballet dancer and SASA swimmer in my younger days OMGZ yes.

    5. I DO NOT LIKE Fann Wong. I don't think she can act or sing or that pretty. In MediaCorp, I say Zoe Tay FTW. She's a classic.(I'm sorry Sheena)

    6. Till date, I have accumulated a total of over 65 pairs of shoes. Yes, shoe-whore.

    7. Contrary to what KJ said, I don't think Sheena is hell-spawned. She's nice person with a unique twist. HAHAHAHAHA.

    8. My most commonly used words in Temasek Polytechnic are C***B** and F**K.

    9. I have a favourite teddy bear which belongs to my brother and its name is Jelly Bean. Recently I stepped into Kiddy Palace and bought Jelly Bean white mittens and booties. Jelly Bean FTW. If you need to know, Jelly Bean is almost 9 years old I think.

    10. My secret ambition is to work in a magazine company as a fashion director. I think I can. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    Alright. 6 people to tag. They are:

    1. Adibah
    2. Eunice
    3. Nurul
    4. Inez
    5. WeiLoong
    6. Joseph (hahahahah I know but I don't know who else. Everyone else kena taken.)

    Saturday, July 28, 2007


    MLOCT written class test today.30%. Pretty confident about it,but look what happened to last year's Conveyancing Procedure. The paper was pretty fun and not-hard, but probably abit tricky if you don't read certain MCQs carefully.

    Headed to town after the test with the Shiyings and Eunice.So exciting hawhaw. Managed to get KJ's birthday present. Yayzors.

    Ok anyway things were all going nicely, when suddenly I got a call from my Mom. Ok shit.

    It was about the goddamnmotherfucking APEL warning letter. My dad opened the letter box this afternoon and saw it. Got a shock.Called my mom. Mommy called me. SCOLDED.

    Damn. If only she knew how shitty and a waste of time APEL was. It really isn't worth it. To think I had to spend 1 hour explaining my stand.


    Friday, July 27, 2007

    Taking a short teeny hiatus from MLOCT. It's actually pretty tedious if you put your heart and soul into reading the lecture notes. Hmm. Anyway, I did this test! Got directed from Shiying's blog.

    You Should Be With an Air Sign!

    Your best match is a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius

    Why? You crave excitement and playful banter
    Only an Air Sign can match your wit - and keep you on your toes
    As for fun, an Air Sign guy will show you plenty? with tons of surprises
    Just be sure to introduce him to some new playful experiences as well!

    I should be with an Air sign.
    Oh no.
    No wonder no luck in love.


    Your July Forecast: Your year, so far, has not been entirely easy. But it is only July. There is time yet for a change. Soon, that restless feeling will leave you. It will no longer seem as if you are running as fast as you can to stay in the same place. Nor will you keep having that annoying experience of repetition. Right now, it is as if you need to do everything twice. You say something - then you have to say it again. You do something - but it doesn't quite work - you have to repeat the operation. Please do your best to remain patient, philosophical and good-humoured. Normal service will be restored as soon as possible.

    Horoscopic credits to Jonathan Cainer @ Cainer.com.

    Thursday, July 26, 2007

    Current mood: Frustrated.

    So tired these days.
    Physically and mentally.
    No fucking shit clue why.

    When I come home,the first thing I do is nap.NAP. But I sleep from 3pm all the way to 6:30pm, eating up all my time I scheduled for Compay Law and MLOCT.And even at 6:30pm, I find it so difficult and challenging to open my eyes. Deadlines pressing nearer and nearer as I'm typing this shit out.

    My brother is going to Thailand for a resort holiday tomorrow. TOMORROW, and I just found out today,fuck I want to go too. And in the 1st week of September, he's going away again. For another holiday. WTF.

    I need to study for MLOCT.
    I need to consolidate the Company Law project.
    I need to go out on Saturday.
    I need a breather.

    Fuck you
    Fuck this
    Fuck the world.


    Tuesday, July 24, 2007

    For the love of God, please visit:


  • Yes, I was approached by him countless times to get my eyebrows done. Eeeks.


  • Catch her every Monday, 8pm on Channel 8. Some Jack Neo comedy fun club programme. She's decked out in a ultra mini cheerleading uniform. Gross.

    Woah must get back to the last hour of mugging for CPA.


    Check out the last existing days of my JULY 2007:

    25th: CPA class test
    27th: Company Law graded quiz #2
    28th: MLOCT test
    30th: Company Law Group Assignment submission
    31st: KJ's birthday (technically not a deadline, but worth remembering so ya.]

    Somebody save me. Again.
    I swear Company Law has got to be the most exhaustive and annoying subject ever.
    My only saving grace now is DL-ing albums after albums and watching Grey's Anatomy at 2am. I'm soooooo going to get the DVD Sets.
    I love you George...and Doctor Bailey!
    After a long hiatus
    from online shopping
    and taking part in the GSS,
    I succumbed and bought this:


  • Nice?
    Anyway I think the model is pretty :)

    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    Yes Red, another random blogger me-me.

    time started: 1725

    name: vickie
    sex: F
    birthday: 26th may 1988
    siblings: one annoying elder bro
    eye color: dark brown or black?
    location: home, woodalnds
    righty or lefty: righty

    who is your closest friend: bernice
    do you have a bf or gf?: NO :(
    best place to go for a date: Spice Girls World Tour concert in HK.

    pants: My black jeans!
    number: no favourite i guess.
    animal: dog, to be specific, pug.
    sport: swimming?
    month:December. Season for loveeee.
    movie: Right now Transformers.
    breakfast: I don't have breakfast.
    drink: Coke.
    food: No favourite too.

    given anyone a bath: YA!
    smoked: YA!
    made yourself puke: GAWD YES.
    gone skinny dipping: 1/2way can?
    eaten a dog: HOTDOG.
    put your tongue on a frozen pole: Erh frozen popsicle?
    broken a bone?: No I think.
    been in a police car: Nope.
    been on a plane: yes
    come close to dying: No.
    been in a sauna: Ya!
    been in a hot tub: Ya!
    swam in the ocean: No.
    fallen asleep in school: DUH.
    broken someone's heart: Erhm. Ya.
    cried when someone died: Ya.
    cried in school: Yes
    fell off your chair: Yes
    sat by the phone all night:Haha no.
    saved IM conversations: Ya!
    saved emails: yes
    fallen for one of your friends: HAHAHAHAHA YESSIR.
    used someone: Yes.

    your good luck charm: don't have
    best song you ever heard: Shut Up and Drive. Not ever, but ya it's funky.
    your room like: Yellowish.
    beside you: to the left, my bed. To the right, study table.
    the last thing you ate: spicy chicken bread.

    chicken pox: Nope.
    sore throat: yes
    stitches: Ya! Behind my ear.
    broken nose: Nope.

    that called you: KJ to tell me he caught the last train aha.
    you slowed danced with: nobody :(
    you yelled at:My bro.
    who broke your heart: This fella.

    DO YOU
    like filling these out: I think I m bored.
    wear contacts or glasses: Yes.
    do you have a lava lamp: no
    like yourself: I guess.
    get along with your family:Ya.
    believe in love at first sight: No.
    like picnics: No. The bloody bees and prickly grass.

    obsessive: no
    compulsive: no
    anorexic: no i love my food.
    suicidal: no

    scary or funny movies: both but scary FTW!
    dark or white chocolate: white
    root beer or dr.pepper: root.
    skiing or boarding: boarding.
    summer or winter: summer. its gorgeous i think.
    silver or gold: silver.
    diamond or pearl: diamond
    sprite or 7up: Sprite.Great with vodka.
    orange juice or apple juice: apple
    cats or dogs: doggies FTW.
    coffee or tea: coffee
    phone or in person: in person
    oldest, middle or youngest: isnt it this or that?
    indoor or outdoor: indoor

    what are you listening to: LiveEarth repeat on 5.
    what car do you want: Alfa Romeo please.
    who makes you laugh the most: Sheena and KJ and my bro. And the alcoholic gang at Jame's house.
    where do you want to get married: erh.
    are you a good driver: no license yet
    what schools have you gone to: RSS, TKGS, TP.

    ending time: 1735hrs.
    I chanced upon Joseph's blog,
    and Shih Ying (Wine) is spelt as Whine.

    I chanced upon Inez's blog,
    and Ammar's "dead" pic is uploaded;
    and I got reminded of Jame's flying fall.


    Saturday, July 21, 2007

    My stereotype is HARDCORE. Wtf?!

    •[ ] You go/have gone tanning.
    •[x] You own an iPod/mp3 player.
    •[x] You love Starbucks.
    •[ ] You have been called a brat.
    •[x] You have tons of shoes.
    •[ ]You hate buying things that are on sale.
    •[x] You have a laptop.
    •[x] You love shopping.

    TOTAL: 5

    •[x] Black is one of your favorite colors.
    •[ ] You wear chains.
    •[ ] You like heavy metal.
    •[x] You’ve shopped at Hot Topic.
    •[ ] You have worn black lipstick.
    •[x] You have/had piercings.
    •[ ] You own a pair of Tripp pants.
    •[x] You have at least one unnaturally colored haired friend.

    TOTAL :4

    •[ ] You can skate. only rollerblades lol
    •[ ] You like plaid.
    •[x] You have Converse.
    •[ ] You hate mtv.
    •[ ] You have/had/wanted blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
    •[ ] You love Mohawks.
    •[ ] You LOVE rock music.
    •[x] You don’t like people who pretend to be something they’re not.

    TOTAL: 3

    •[x] You get depressed sometimes.
    •[x] You have dark colored/ thick-rimmed glasses.
    •[ ] You cry easily.
    •[x] You like emo music.
    •[x] you have/had a diary
    •[ ] You have written a sad song.
    •[x] You have dyed your hair black.
    •[ ] You’re sad when you’re drunk.

    TOTAL: 5

    •[ ] You like rap.
    •[x ] You have said “Fo Sho, Fo Shizzle, Fo Sheezy, etc.”
    •[ ] You have worn/wanted a grill.
    •[ ] You have had a free styling contest
    •[ ] You’ve said the N word to a black person and didn’t get hit.
    •[ ] You know most of the lines from Boyz N Da Hood.
    •[ ] You own a huge gold chain with a giant gold pendant.

    TOTAL: 1

    •[x] You like loud music.
    •[ ] You know/think the ninja turtles are THE BEST!!!!!
    •[x] You have slip-on shoes.
    •[ ] You like Norma Jean. *(the band, not Marilyn Monroe)*
    •[x] People have called you a freak and meant it lovingly.
    •[x] You love to dance.
    •[x] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
    •[x] You wear jeans a lot.

    TOTAL : 6

    •[x] You like or LOVE the OC.OH YES PLEASE.
    •[x] You had/have/want a tiny/small sized dog.
    •[ ] Your usual outfits consist of pink. (some)
    •[x] You like buying shoes A LOT.
    •[x] You shop at Hollister,AE ,and/or Abercrombie.Not hardcore though.
    •[ ] Getting your nails done is a fun thing.
    •[x] You have big sunglasses.
    •[ ] You can’t go anywhere without your hair perfect.

    TOTAL : 5

    •[ ] You watch the Super bowl.
    •[x] You own track shoes or cleats other sports related shoes.
    •[x] You own jerseys.
    •[x] You have/had a special shelf for trophies and awards.
    •[x] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
    •[x] You belong/belonged to a team. bball and floorball and netball
    •[ ] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.

    TOTAL : 5

    •SCENE GIRL:• (girls answer only)
    •[ ] You like putting little bows in your hair
    •[x] You have/had at least one mini-skirt.
    •[x] You have parted your hair to the side.
    •[x] You think polka-dots are cute.
    •[ ] You have done a peace sign while you pose for a picture.
    •[ ] You’ve been called scene before.
    •[ ] You have dyed your hair a bright, neon color. always purple.
    •[ ] You think scene boys are extremely sexy.

    TOTAL : 3

    •[ ] Gone four wheeling.
    •[ ] Went hunting.
    •[ ] Owned a four/three-wheeler or dirt bike…etc.
    •[ ] Like to go fishing.
    •[x] Eat beef jerky sometimes.
    •[ ] Ever said GIT-R-DONE.
    •[ ] Listen to the song Redneck Woman.
    •[ ] Know who Bocephus is.

    TOTAL: 1

    •[x] You wear band shirts.
    •[ ] If people down talk metal you down talk their favorite music.
    •[ ] You HATE emo kids.
    •[ ] You love/like Black Sabbath.
    •[ ] You have gone to Ozzfest.
    •[ ] You like to head bang.
    •[x] You don’t like rap.
    •[x] You have a taste for classic rock as well.

    TOTAL : 3

    •The 1 that you have the most X’s under will be your title!!•
    Repost this as “My stereotype is _____”
    I need to feel my worst
    to get back to my best.


    Beer + whiskey + absinthe + rum = PUKE X 5 times.

    Never puked before after drinking.
    Cause I think it's fucking dumb and embarassing.
    But on Friday morning at around 2-3++ am, I did.
    Yucks. Now I feel like fuck.

    The "party" at Jame's was fun, credits to:

    1. James (the host)
    2. Ammar (permanent alchol party resident)
    3. Joseph (hahahahahaha kns I won't forget the WoW roleplay)
    4. KJ (beng who sleeps alot. Like ALOT.)
    5. Max (*blank*)
    6. Inez (Probably the only sober one)
    7. Shep (I want to know where was my slipper)
    8. Red (for accompanying me in the beginning and taking her shots!)
    9. Anyone I left out?

    Let me swear of alcohol for a while.
    But tough ah. KJ's birthday in like 10 days' time.

    Tuesday, July 17, 2007

    LAW GAMES 2007

    I'm so happy with my team;
    but am so disappointed with the way we went out.
    At least Jun Ping had his pizza.

    Anyway, pictures from that day.
    WARNING: A lot of funglam ones.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    The teams: Lecturers v BookieRookie

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Joseph, our terribly wonderful defender.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Going to start... ...

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Our referee.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Getting ready.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Jun Ping action sia.Edit: ok it's Red, not JP. See wrongly.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Action again.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    And again. So much pizza, sure got energy.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Eh referee got fight! You blind ah.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    KJ: Eh Jun Ping grab my ball!
    JP: Eh your ball too high! Cannot!

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Wine! Grab the ball ok!

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Red action sia.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    Ultimate Ah Beng action.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
    I also want to action.

    Thanks to:
    Sheena (captain) Oi! Sheena Oi! Sheena Oi Oi Oi!
    Hany (the lady who convinced JP and Jo)
    Shiying (must go shoot more balls. You very good)
    Shih Ying
    (our very own captain to catch balls)Oi! Wine Oi! Wine Oi Oi Oi!
    Joseph(defender) Oi! Joseph Oi! Joseph Oi Oi Oi!
    Jun Ping(pizza boy and steady performer)Oi! JP Oi! JP Oi Oi Oi! Next time bring guitar ok.
    KJ (like horse. Very fast can.)
    Winsor (Thank you for teaching us the meaning of BULLPLUS)

    This is our last LAW GAMES!
    Ahhhh. Depressing :(
    Anyway I think bookierookie want to bitchslap some people already.

    Pic credit to: Mr Looi Kwok Peng of Law & Management, TP

    Monday, July 16, 2007

    [one] what is your natural hair color?
    [honestly] black

    [two] where is your default picture on myspace taken?
    [honestly] i've got no myspace!

    [three] what's your middle name?
    [honestly] -

    [four] your current relationship status?
    [honestly] single and not very happy. boohoo.

    [five] does your crush like you back?
    [honestly] woah lao. if he like me back i think i won't be single.

    [six] what is your current mood?
    [honestly] tired and pissed with my sore throat, but still smiling.

    [seven] what colour underwear are you wearing?
    [honestly] pink.

    [eight] what makes you happy?
    [honestly] friends!

    [ten] if you could go back in time and change something, what you would change?
    [honestly] spend more time with Donald.

    [eleven] if you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
    [honestly] horse.

    [twelve] ever had a near death experience?
    [honestly] nah.

    [thirteen] something you do a lot?
    [honestly] think about the impossible.

    [fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
    [honestly] Elva Hsiao's song larh.

    [fifteen] who did you copy and paste this from?
    [honestly] some random person from LJ

    [sixteen] name someone with the same birthday as you?
    [honestly] derno don't care.

    [seventeen] when was the last time you cried?
    [honestly] erh. cannot remember.

    [eighteen] have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
    [honestly] uhuh, in like K1 or 2?

    [nineteen] if you could have one super power what would it be?
    [honestly] the ability to read peoples minds and hearts. Nieha.

    [twenty] what's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
    [honestly] Fingerzzzz.

    [twenty-one] what do you usually order from starbucks?
    [honestly] Caramel frapp.

    [twenty-two] what's your biggest secret?
    [honestly] Committment? My crush larh.

    [twenty-three] favorite colors?
    [honestly] if it's a favourite, the cannot be colourS!

    [twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
    [honestly] hahah no sadly.

    [twenty-six] what are you eating or drinking at the moment?
    [honestly] Yakult. Hello Kitty gummies.

    [twenty-seven] you speak any other language?
    [honestly] teeny bit of french; alot of Chinese.

    [twenty-eight] what's your favorite smell?
    [honestly] cigarette smell mixed with cologne. Whoo!

    [twenty-nine] if you could describe your life in one word what would it be?
    [honestly] Liveable?

    [thirty] when was the last time you gave/received a hug?
    [honestly] Friday. Or Thursday. To Vanni in school.

    [thirty-one] have you ever kissed in the rain?
    [honestly] OMG so romantic but no.

    [thirty-two] what are you thinking about right now?
    [honestly] nothing.

    [thirty-three] what should you be doing?
    [honestly] consolidating Civil Pro answers for Mr Lim Teck Wee.

    [thirty-four] what was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
    [honestly] Erh something that he did that was terribly wrong and disturbing aha.

    [thirty-five] how often do you pray?
    [honestly]not very often.

    [thirty-six] do you like working in the yard?
    [honestly] never tried.

    [thirty-seven] if you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
    [honestly]Gyllenhall. Yay.

    [thirty-eight] do you act differently around your crush?

    [thirty-nine] name one song that reminds you of an ex?
    [honestly] shit I forgot that one song.

    [forty] who was the last person to make you cry?
    [honestly] dont really know

    Don't give up on us yet.

    Saturday, July 14, 2007

    I can't stop smiling.

    Friday, July 13, 2007

    Talk about Friday the 13th.
    R.I.P Donald.
    You've been one helluva great teammate, a strong fighter and always bringing laughter and fun.

    Yesterday I made 2 new friends, but today, I lost an old one.

    Remembered in my heart.

    Wednesday, July 11, 2007

    Shit I am so fucking scared right now.
    It's not even about tomorrow's Law Games;
    or my friend in the hospital.

    It's about me losing something I've never had.
    This is too scary.
    My heart is pounding really really fast now.

    Tuesday, July 10, 2007

    Today is such a depressing day.
    Went down to visit my friend.
    Critical condition.
    I hope he keeps his fighting spirit and live on.
    Dear God, it's still to early.

    Don, keep holding on.

    Monday, July 09, 2007

    Ok alot of stuff undone.
    And I feel lousy about it's undone-ness.

    1. CPA Articles. I swear this project is annoying.
    2. Company Law Group Assignment. Company Law is just plain annoying, but thank god for fun group members.
    3. APEL Value Reflection. I somehow cannot enter the bloody thing. Idiot. edit: DONE!

    Ignite a flame and put it out.
    Yes, that's how some people like things to be done.
    TP Law and Management Senior batch is full of scandals.
    Hahah yay they make great conversation topics at cocktail parties.

    Sunday, July 08, 2007

    Chemicals React

    I think they are probably the most talented Disney stars.

    Were you right, was I wrong
    Were you weak, was I strong, yeah
    Both of us broken
    Caught in a moment
    We lived and we loved
    And we hurt and we jumped, yeah
    But the planets all aligned
    When you looked into my eyes
    And just like that
    The chemicals react

    One is 16 and the other is 18.
    They write and sing their own songs. And play instruments.
    Sure it's teeny booper, but let me savour this moment cause next year I'm hitting the bloody big '2'.

    First heard this song while watch So You Think You Can Dance.
    Somewhat forgot about this song, until Adibah reminded that day in school.

    This is my new fix since the Spice Girls aren't coming to Singapore.
    To enjoy this post, you must first visit:

    Okay I must save this MSN conversation I had with Max Ho Zhi Yang (is that correct?) on Monday 9th July 2007 at 12:13am because I think it's freaking hilarious and I still cannot stop laughing. This conversation revolves around the pug that you see in the webcam. His name is Skillet and he is so cute I just want to bite him.

    z SUXORS says:
    yeah i can see part of his head only
    z SUXORS says:
    just now he was lying inside the bed damn cute
    z SUXORS says:
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    ya i ca only see his head.
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    dude we are like obsessed with skillet its spastic.
    z SUXORS says:
    hahaha but he's just too cute to be true =\
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    ya skillet. i like his name too.
    z SUXORS says:
    yah, sounds so cutish
    z SUXORS says:
    like porkchop
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    ya! ok cutish is sucha...cutish word.
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    adam sandler's dog is called meatball.
    z SUXORS says:
    yeah i know hahaha
    z SUXORS says:
    but it doesnt really look like a meatball
    z SUXORS says:
    i mean, skillet looks so skillet
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    ok this is funny.
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    skillet looks so skillet.
    z SUXORS says:
    z SUXORS says:
    i can't imagine another name on him lah
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    skillet and harper looks so good together.
    z SUXORS says:
    ya hahahaha
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    ok skillet is sitting and stoning!
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    so cuteeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    z SUXORS says:
    yah i know hahaha just now he looked like he was looking straight at the camera
    z SUXORS says:
    i actually waved LOL
    z SUXORS says:
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ok that has got to be the funniest thing.
    z SUXORS says:
    hahahaha it was a spur of the moment kinda thing
    z SUXORS says:
    he's damn cute la omgz
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    i knowwwwwwww
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    ok now he look slike a pile of fats. shitass. i wanna pinch him.
    z SUXORS says:
    yah yah like quadruple chin man!
    z SUXORS says:
    damn cute hahaha
    z SUXORS says:
    his head looks like icing on some coffee cake with overlapping layers
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    z SUXORS says:
    hhahahahahhahahahhaha tiramisu
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    z SUXORS says:
    yah look he lying on it!
    z SUXORS says:
    Company PBL is fun and exciting. says:
    OH MAN!!!!!!!
    z SUXORS says:
    z SUXORS says:
    i think he's more popular than harper
    z SUXORS says:
    he looks like he's reading whatever's on the com hahahaha

    Can you believe it, Max actually waved to the webcam when he thought Skillet was looking at it.

    If you see empty spaces, it's supposed to be filled up with emoticons (LOL, WTF).

    Backtrack to.......

    DXO-ed with Shiying and Shih Ying and KJ and Hany. I think I felt old there. The palce was bloody packed with underaged 'ah lian' wannabes and alot of matts, and occasionaly sightings of Ang Mohs. Disappointing thing was, no humsum guy. Like how you would find a penguin in the wild plains of Africa. Cool. Max and gang came. But the spastic indian bouncer refused entry to James, simply because he was in berms. Haha you spastic little bastard. Give you money to earn don't want. Can buy you beer ok. The music there was fine initially, until towards the end, they played tribal music. WTF. Not cool Mr DJ. On another note, the bartender at the free-flow bar was cute. Hee only when he smiled. Right Hany?

    Anyways, Im glad Red and Wine were there. So fun. And erhmmm...


    Tuesday, July 03, 2007

    don't take too long to say i love you to the ones you love,
    cos time has a habit of slipping away.
    out on a clear blue sky when lightning strikes on a sunny day,
    just take me in and keep me from the rain...

    Did I tell you KJ and I saw the most emo chinese poem/quote thingamajig on the back of a bus seat today? Hai. The adventures of taking bus 168. I think that author must be feeling damn sour and heart-broken, and so tired of waiting. Poor thing, I understand how you feel.

    Monday, July 02, 2007

    At this very moment...

    I feel like watching TRANSFORMERS.
    Lionel, next time got free tickets, immediately sms me!I also want bike rides.

    I just saw a photograph of a fella downing 2 graveyards within 5 minutes.

    I just the most beautiful bed frame.
    I think I want to get it. But I made my mommy promise me a bigger bed. Because I have too many frikkin pillows on my single bed. And I'm not very small.

    I want to go buy a NINTENDO DS.
    So fun can.

    Sunday, July 01, 2007

    Last Night's Party.

    T'was pretty freakin awesome.
    Headed to 7879, this new club opened by Ashwin's friend.
    Or something like that.
    Happy Birthday Ashwin Ganapathy.